YoDJ Install Menu

Set up Directories for YODJ

Add Directory and Directory Alias Statements to Apache Conf file

These steps will tell Apache how to find your music. We will create a Web Alias for the directory where you have your music.


You can use a network share for your music, but not yet! You can do this later. It is sort of complicated and should be done as a separate step. Use a local Directory for your music. The Win32 Install menu has a guide for streaming music from a network share. Keep things simple for now. Do the Standard setup first...

  1. Open the \apache\conf\httpd.conf file for editing - wordpad is fine
  2. Go to the bottom
  3. At the bottom you will see the installation information added by the PHP installer
  4. Copy the text below and paste this to the bottom of the httpd.conf
  5. ################### YoDJ #####################
    Alias /Music/ "d:/mystuff/music/"
    ################### end YoDJ #####################
  6. We need to edit the Alias
  7. Save the changes you made to the httpd.conf file and Restart Apache. This reloads the httpd.conf file

Sanity Check: Did we set the alias correctly?

  1. The YoDJ install contains a test.mp3 file. Copy it into the physical directory that you refered to in your alias statement
  2. Click http://localhost/Music/test.mp3
  3. If the alias works, the file will download and and your mediaplayer will play it.
  4. Ready to Configure YoDJ!

    1. Copy the YoDJ directory from your installation directory into the .\htdocs directory
    2. The YoDJ directory contains several files. Edit \apache2\htdocs\YoDJ.ini to correspond to your Alias
    3. Make the following edits
    4. Make sure that rootdir corresponds to the physical path you defined in your alias and directory statements!
    5. Don't make any other changes yet
    6. What This Means:
    7. For example:

      Given the above settings:

    8. You are Done!

    Yodj Should work now - Try it!

    Click http://localhost/yodj/yodj.php (Opens in a new Window)

    This should bring up the YoDJ browser. Try to stream a song.

    If You have a problem

    A Few Final Steps

    1. We need to make sure that your YoDJ web server can be accessed from other machines
    2. Thus far, we have accessed the web server as LocalHost. You need to access it by its IP address
    3. Just access it by IP in another browser window. If the IP address is you would access it as ""
    4. Your machine is almost certainly set up for DHCP or dynamic IP addressing. Although the address is likely to stick, you should configure it to have a static IP address. If you do not know how to do this, check the online FAQ or email for directons.
    5. If you want to access your YoDJ browser from the outside, you will need to configure your router. Check the installation Menu for this.

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    Win32 Install Menu

    Last Modified  03/15/2010      Questions? email